1 Hawk Vision
1.1 hawkvision_get_crophint (array $options)
Load the Crop Hint for the image.

type | default | description | |
post_id * | int | null | Set the post ID of an image uploaded to the media library. |
type | string | null | Set the type of Crop Hint.
force_analyze | boolean | false | Set whether the image should be analyzed immediately if Auto Crop Hint does not exist in the image.
unit | string | 'px' | The unit of the crop hint data in return value.
$crophint = hawkvision_get_crophint(array(
'post_id' => 123
) The crop hint data.
type | description | |
id | int | Crop Hint ID |
post_id | int | post ID of the source image |
parent_width | int | Width of the source image (anytime in 'px') |
parent_height | int | Height of the source image (anytime in 'px') |
width | int | Width of Crop Hint |
height | int | Height of Crop Hint |
vertices | array | Coordinates for each vertex of Crop Hint |
center | array | Central coordinates for Crop Hint |
focus | array | Coordinates of the Focus set in Crop Hint |
load | string | Data loading source
type | string | Type of Crop Hint |
unit | string | Unit of the data |
[id] => 202
[post_id] => 123
[status] => 'success'
[parent_width] => 2560
[parent_height] => 1707
[width] => 955
[height] => 1706
[vertices] => Array
[0] => Array
[x] => 1024
[y] => 0
[1] => Array
[x] => 1979
[y] => 0
[2] => Array
[x] => 1979
[y] => 1706
[3] => Array
[x] => 1024
[y] => 1706
[center] => Array
[x] => 1501.5
[y] => 853
[focus] => Array
[x] => 1722
[y] => 648
[load] => 'cache'
[type] => 'auto'
[unit] => 'px'
[status] => 'error'
[message] => 'Error message'
1.2 hawkvision_get_hintimage (array $options)
Get the metadata of the Hint Image (= cropped image with the Crop Hint).

type | default | description | |
post_id * | int | null | Set post ID of an image uploaded to the media library. |
type | string | null | Set the type of Crop Hint.
force_generate | boolean | false | Set whether to immediately generate a Hint Image when it is not yet generated.
$hint_image = hawkvision_get_hintimage(array(
'post_id' => $post_id
) The metadata of Hint Image.
type | description | |
id | int | Crop Hint ID |
post_id | int | post ID of the source image |
type | string | Type of Crop Hint |
filepath | string | Path of Hint Image |
url | string | URL of Hint Image |
width | int | Width of Hint Image |
height | int | Height of Hint Image |
load | int | Data loading source
[id] => 202
[post_id] => 123
[type] => 'auto'
[filepath] => 'htdocs/wp/wp-content/uploads/hawkvision/2020/04/image123_ch-auto.jpg'
[url] => 'https://hawkvision.onotakehiko.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/hawkvision/2020/04/image123_ch-auto.jpg'
[width] => 955
[height] => 1706
[load] => 'cache'
[status] => 'success'
[status] => 'error'
[message] => 'Error message'
2 Smart Cropped Images
Smart Cropped Images takes into account the Crop Hint extracted by Cloud Vision AI and smartly crops the image in any aspect ratio.
2.1 hawkvision_get_smartcrop (array $options)
method retrieves the metadata of the crop area (= Smart Crop) where the Smart Cropped Image is to be trimmed.

type | default | description | |
post_id * | int | null | Set the post ID of an image uploaded to the media library. |
type | string | null | Set the type of Crop Hint.
aspect | float | 1.0 | Set the aspect ratio. |
unit | string | 'px' | It is possible to specify the unit of the crop hint data of the return value.
$smartcrop = hawkvision_get_smartcrop(array(
'post_id' => 245,
'aspect' => .666
) The metadata of Smart Crop.
type | description | |
parent_width | int | Width of the source image (always in 'px') |
parent_height | int | Height of the source image (always in 'px') |
x | float | X-coordinate of Smart Crop |
y | float | Y-coordinate of Smart Crop |
width | float | Width of Smart Crop |
height | float | Height of Smart Crop |
type | string | Type of Crop Hint used as the source of Smart Crop calculation. |
unit | int | Unit of the data |
[parent_width] => 2560
[parent_height] => 1707
[x] => 1250.12083636
[y] => 16
[width] => 1126.206
[height] => 1691
[type] => 'manual'
[unit] => 'px'
[status] => 'error'
[message] => 'Error message'
2.2 hawkvision_get_sci (array $options)
Reads the image metadata of the Smart Cropped Image culled from the image with the specified post_id.
If Smart Cropped Image is not generated, it returns the data corresponding to the wp_get_attachment_image_src()
function runtime.

type | default | description | |
post_id * | int | null | Set the post ID of an image uploaded to the media library. |
type | string | null | Set the type of Crop Hint.
size | string | null | Set intermediate image size names in WordPress.
aspect | float | 1.0 | Set the aspect ratio of Smart Cropped Image. |
force_generate | boolean | false | Set whether to generate Smart Cropped Image immediately when there was not the image of the specified condition.
$smart_cropped_image = hawkvision_get_sci(array(
'post_id' => 123,
'size' => 'w640',
'aspect' => .666
) The metadata of Smart Cropped Image.
type | description | |
src | array | The image metadata
size | string | The size of the image |
aspect | float | Aspect ratio |
crophint | int | Type of Crop Hint used as the source of Smart Crop calculation. |
is_sci | boolean | Whether the image metadata is Smart Cropped Image or not. |
load | int | Data loading source
/* Smart Cropped Image with the specified criteria exists. */
[status] => 'success'
[src] => Array
[0] => 'https://hawkvision.onotakehiko.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/hawkvision/2020/04/image123_ch-manual_sci-666_w640.jpg'
[1] => 639
[2] => 960
[3] => 1
[size] => 'w640'
[aspect] => 0.666
[crophint] => 'manual'
[is_sci] => 1
[load] => 'cache'
/* Smart Cropped Image with the specified criteria doesn't exists. */
[status] => 'success'
[src] => Array
[0] => 'https://hawkvision.onotakehiko.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/hawkvision/2020/04/image123-640x427.jpg'
[1] => 640
[2] => 427
[3] => 1
[size] => 'w640'
[aspect] => 1.499
[is_sci] => 0
[status] => 'error'
[message] => 'Error message'
3 Dominant Colors
3.1 hawkvision_get_dominant_colors (array $options)
Load the dominant colors of the image.

type | default | description | |
post_id * | int | null | Set post ID of the image uploaded to the media library. |
force_extract | boolean | false | Set whether extraction should be performed immediately if dominant colors data of the image does not exist.
$dominant_colors = hawkvision_get_dominant_colors(array(
'post_id' => 123
) Dominant Colors of the image.
type | description | |
id | int | Dominant color ID |
post_id | int | post ID of the source image |
color_r color_g color_b |
int | Value of each RGB component.
hex | int | HEX value |
pixel_fraction | int | Image-specific score for this color.
score | int | The fraction of pixels the color occupies in the image.
percent | int | Percentage of this color in the extracted dominant color.
[status] => success
[dominant_colors] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 776
[post_id] => 252
[color_r] => 227
[color_g] => 30
[color_b] => 28
[hex] => e31e1c
[pixel_fraction] => 0.00673333
[score] => 0.236978
[percent] => 43.8721
[1] => Array
[id] => 777
[post_id] => 252
[color_r] => 165
[color_g] => 31
[color_b] => 33
[hex] => a51f21
[pixel_fraction] => 0.00406667
[score] => 0.0592024
[percent] => 10.9603
[2] => Array
[id] => 778
[post_id] => 252
[color_r] => 198
[color_g] => 196
[color_b] => 198
[hex] => c6c4c6
[pixel_fraction] => 0.0618
[score] => 0.0549452
[percent] => 10.1721
[status] => 'error'
[message] => 'Error message'