Hawk Vision
Plugin Price
  • Hawk Vision is an open source software. Plugin itself is a free.
Google CloudVision API

The fee for using the Google Cloud Vision API, which is required to analyze uploaded images.

  • As per Google Cloud Vision API pricing. Up to 1,000 units per month are free.
  • Using 1 unit per image analysis.
  • Hawk Vision uses CROP_HINTS feature of the Vision API.
Installation Limit

The limit on the number of servers that can use Hawk Vision plugin.

No limit
Network (Multi Site) Support
Crop Hints
Auto Analyze

This feature allows you to automatically analyze a crop hint when you upload images to the media library.

Dynamic analyzation of crop hint

If the image is unanalyzed and a crop hint does not exist, you can use a dedicated method written in the template to immediately analyze the image and extract a crop hint.

Manual Crop Hint

Apart from the crop hint extracted by the Vision API, you can also set a crop hint manually using the admin interface.


This function allows you to set the most important point in the crop hint.

Generate hint images

You can generate and cache hint images by cropping with crop hints from the source image.

Download hint images

You can download the generated hint images on the admin interface.

Smart Cropped Images Addon
Addon Price
Installation Limit

The limit on the number of servers that can use the Smart Cropped Images Addon.

No limit
Automatic generate

Generates and caches multiple Smart Cropped Images with pre-defined aspect ratios when analyzing a crop hint from the image.

Dynamic generation of Smart Cropped Images

Generate Smart Cropped Images of the specified aspect dynamically in the template.

Download Smart Cropped Images

You can download the generated Smart Cropped Images on admin interface.

Dominant Colors Addon
Addon Price
Google CloudVision API

The fee for using the Google Cloud Vision API, which is required to analyze uploaded images.

  • As per Google Cloud Vision API pricing. Up to 1,000 units per month are free.
  • Using 1 unit per image analysis.
  • The dominant colors are extracted at the same time as the crop hint during image analysis, for a total of 1 unit of use.
  • Hawk Vision and Dominant Colors Addon uses IMAGE_PROPERTIES feature of the Vision API.
Installation Limit

The limit on the number of servers that can use the Dominant Colors Addon.

No limit
Extraction of dominant colors

Extract dominant colors that make up an image. By using Cloud Vision AI, it provides highly accurate color analysis with an emphasis on the subject rather than average extraction.